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Some researchers predict the managed service provider (MSP) market will increase by more than 50 per cent over the next five years. The trend to outsource all or part of an operation’s managed IT and cybersecurity needs has been driven by proven success. If your organisation would benefit from scalable and flexible managed IT and cybersecurity services, these are ways an MSP provider can help.

When is an MSP needed for a business?

Managed IT service providers offer business leaders an opportunity to break away from the antiquated break-fix model. When systems or servers slowly grind to a halt, so does workflow efficiency and that impacts a company’s bottom line. Rather than losing productivity while employees wait for an in-house IT team to restore portions of your network, an MSP provider takes proactive measures to minimise downtime and help maximise business and worker productivity.

Using remote technologies, third-party managed service providers monitor IT infrastructure around the clock in search of emerging problems. These are dealt with behind the scenes as your workforce carries out tasks that help the organisation achieve its goals. To answer the question of when a managed service provider is needed for business, here we outline the many services and support an MSP can bring to your organisation. 

Services an MSP typically provides

It’s essential to understand that experienced managed IT firms bring a wide range of services to the table. The professionals who monitor your system have niche expertise and specialisations that generally go beyond the duties of in-house IT staff members. That’s why companies often look to MSP’s to support their inhouse IT teams by outsourcing portions of their IT needs, or in some cases to provide a fully outsourced IT model. These are services an MSP can provide your business. 


Reports indicate that data breaches rose by nearly 70 per cent during the third quarter of 2022 worldwide. And with Optus’ well publicised IT security breach exposed upwards of 2.1 million customer records. Sophisticated hackers have the capability to invade most systems if they invest enough time and energy. Given the advancing sophistication of cyber threats, along with sheer volume and velocity, establishing a robust defense can be extremely costly, complex and time consuming. 

An MSP or MSSP (a Managed Security Service Provider) can deliver organisations a significantly enhanced cybersecurity strategy along with ongoing defense, monitoring and remediation. This allows organisations to gain access to highly skilled and experienced teams and the latest technology to help combat the increasing threats from cyber crime. MSP’s and MSSP’s may start with a Cyber Security Assessment, to determine where your defences are strong vs needing some attention - with services ranging from Cybersecurity Uplift, Vulnerability Management, EndPoint Protection, through to managed SIEM and SOC.


Infrastructure as a Service, or IaaS, is a model of Cloud services that allows an organisation to operate as if they physically own and maintain their own infrastructure, maintaining control over O/S, middleware, runtime, applications, and data — but without actually owning that IT infrastructure. It gives organisations on-demand access to compute power and a way to sidestep the significant obstacles to scaling on-premises infrastructure. IaaS is a critical component of a modern organisations IT strategy, as it allows consumption based expenditure and frees up internal resources to focus on higher value tasks, rather than being consumer with repetitive IT tasks for fire fighting.

IT help desk

Empowering an MSP to build or oversee an IT help desk streamlines the process of fixing minor glitches. Employees simply file a help desk ticket that is promptly reviewed by a member of your provider’s staff. An assessment of the issue is made, and proactive measures are taken to cure the problem. In terms of business benefits, staff members get back to work more quickly and gain confidence in the company’s IT capabilities.

Disaster recovery

One of the little-known services an MSP can render involves developing a disaster recovery plan. Working with company leaders and department heads, a comprehensive restoration plan of action is crafted to get the organisation up and running as swiftly as possible. Should a catastrophe occur, Cloud-based and other backups are usually in place that allows a business to resume operations. The key to a fast recovery stems from offsite data storage and a remote support team.


Meeting industry regulation, such as Australia’s Privacy Act, IOS27001, APRA CPS234,  and emerging industry regulations too often becomes a job unto itself. Add the need for transparent governance for board members and other key stakeholders and substantial resources must be brought to bear. It may seem counterintuitive, given these seemingly onerous tasks, but managed IT service providers routinely handle compliance and governance. When enlisting the support of an MSP, include compliance and governance into the monthly budget and focus more of your resources on profit-driven endeavours.

IT consulting projects

Growing businesses come to a point where they need to reimagine their IT infrastructure management. Although this is generally a good problem to have, industry leaders require the innovative thinking and expertise of professionals who understand how to help outfits level up.

Managed IT service providers can be onboarded to provide material support to work alongside an in-house team or take on incremental projects where capacity or capability has been a blocker to getting them done. The benefits of recruiting an MSP to help on IT projects include, on demand access to specialised skills for duration of the project and upweighting of capacity to meet peaks in demand, as well as pulling back on capacity when no longer needed. This flexibility help IT leaders achieve more with their budgets and resources, leading them to better deliver on IT strategy and business goals. Some example projects include, Data Centre Modernisation, Network Transformation, Digital Workplace, as well as bespoke IT consulting.

Flexibility of working with an MSP

In terms of business-to-business relations, working with an MSP provider ranks among the most straightforward and flexible. Third-party firms operate under a model that allows them to deliver a comprehensive or focused set of services for organisations of all sizes.

This is generally a win-win because industry leaders can add managed IT services as their organisation grows. By that same token, an MSP provider enjoys the trained and certified professionals to handle full service IT and business transformation needs. These are ways working with MSPs prove invaluable.

Flexible contracts

Managed IT service providers offer scalable contracts that fit unique business needs and budgets. It’s not uncommon for organisations to start with a core set of MSP services and increase monthly support on an as needed basis. The same holds true of medium-sized companies and those with seasonal peaks. A reasonable MSP is usually willing to include flexible contract options that best serve the client.

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Flexible and dynamic teams

Procuring the services of an experienced managed IT service provider gives companies access to expertise they might not otherwise have the bandwidth to afford. The job of these firms involves undergoing rigorous training and keeping abreast of the latest technological advancements. Cybersecurity specialists are tasked with tracking emerging threats and implementing deterrents before they impact your network.

The cost of maintaining a staff of dynamic IT and cybersecurity experts is usually prohibitive. Yet, an MSP provider is pleased to offer organisations all of this expertise on a flexible and scalable basis.

Ability to scale up or down in Cloud offerings

Part of an ongoing agreement with an MSP can involve Cloud scalability. This involves expanding or contracting the IT resources needed at a given time. Rather than someone in leadership or a department head taking on Cloud infrastructure management, your MSP provider handles this IT facet without an organisation experiencing disruption or downtime.

Ease of doing business

A growing number of industry leaders are tired and frustrated because they are dealing with multiple service providers, software vendors, and equipment manufacturers that create complexity in managing, licensing, pricing, and contractual obligations. Those are headaches that take industry leaders’ focus off goal achievement. They are better left to managed IT professionals who cover a wide range of digital transformation services. 

Industries where MSP’s thrive

Although managed IT service providers deliver wide-reaching benefits to various industries, some need expert support of the highest level. These are industries MSPs continue to shine.

Financial services

The financial sector remains a high-priority target for cybercriminals and their relentless efforts to perpetrate digital theft. Their ongoing attacks on banks, credit unions, and lending institutions, among others, call for the most advanced cybersecurity measures. Financial organisations also need 24/7 remote security monitoring and an MSP that responds to advanced persistent threats.

Along with minimising risk, organisations in the financial services industry need to maintain regulatory compliance and have the agility to increase IT infrastructure. These are areas the right MSP provider thrives.


In 2021, the healthcare industry reportedly experienced the greatest number of data breaches since 2009. Hackers are focused on what amounts to a treasure trove of personal and financial assets. From bank accounts and credit card information to personal identity information, cybercriminals can make millions selling these records on the dark web. The need to ensure high system availability, always on support, alongside the risks of network breaches and stringent governance and compliance makes the healthcare sector a perfect fit for a qualified MSP.


Manufacturers have grown increasingly reliant on technology to navigate the global marketplace. Few sectors rely as heavily on IT infrastructure to handle Internet of Things (IoT) devices and product tracking. And while incredibly useful in supply chain navigation, hackers continue to target IoT devices and software to infiltrate business networks.

Along with the need for a robust cybersecurity posture, manufacturers are immersed in a competitive industry that calls for forward-thinking technology. Because managed IT service providers offer 24/7 remote monitoring and management, IT consulting, and problem-solving, they are ideally suited to prevent unnecessary downtime.

How CBS can help your organisation with Managed IT Services

Canon Business Services provides scalable and effectively managed IT services for organisations across industries. If your company would benefit from the expertise of an experienced and flexible MSP, Contact Canon Business Services (CBS) for a consultation on how a customised IT support program would help you deliver on your IT strategy and drive business performance. 

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